Saturday, December 3, 2011

The chicken blog!

When I was younger my parents were reasonably strict about what TV, if any myself and my siblings could watch. One of the programmes allowed was 'the Good Life'.  This started my mind off on a 20 year quest for self sufficiency, not helped in part by mothers good intentions to do the same and my grandparents who, as far as I was concerned were already there with a big veg patch, goats, sheep, chickens, fruit trees and bees!

Last year I floated this notion past my long suffering wife.  She was, to my surprise, quite keen!  I managed to obtain a disused allotment from the council, which to be honest is a major work in progress.  Now the winter is here I can actually start to clear the forest of Ivy, Brambles and the odd sapling!

The best thing however happened about a month or two ago.  The wife and I were discussing the risky subject of Christmas presents for each other.  The ideas were being bandied about until someone (probably not me) suggested getting chickens as a gift...

Neither of us objected...

The research began...

Within a few weeks we had selected a little house (a coop apparently) a breed, Orpingtons, and a seller, a man that had become affectionately known as "Chicken Man"  After making sure we were ready for this commitment, already having 2 daughterts and a cat, we bought the house.

Two days ago we made the trip to Bristol to collect our Urban Hens!  We bought four in the end, two Orpingtons called Lady Bantam and Mrs Hughes and two Pekin Orpington crosses called Cybil and Violet.  Funnily enough the house has been dubbed Henton Abbey!

So, as I continue me quest for self sufficiency I shall be adding to my blog Chicken and Allotment updates!

PS for those who maybe interested in chicken husbandry The Urban Farmer, based in Bristol, is reachable via  his website

1 comment:

  1. Hows the chickens Dan? Hope you and yours have a lovely Christmas xxxxxx
