It has been announced today by the Association of British Insurers that cyclists should have insurance to protect themselves should they be injured in a crash or indeed to compensate others if they are at fault. The full story is available here...
Now as a cyclist this concerns me slightly! Firstly, I cant afford to pay for cycle insurance. I already have life and critical injury insurance, which to my mind is enough. Secondly, I take steps to avoid becoming a victim of an accident. Driving about for a living, Day in, Day out I see cyclists NOT following the most rudimentary of measures to protect themselves and herein, as far as I'm concerned lies the problem. So, in the spirit of the "big society" I will share my pearls of wisdom...
1. Wear a Helmet. Quite frankly this is a no brainer, pardon the pun. The tarmac is just as unforgiving whether you're on a pedal bike or a motor bike. Just because its not legal doesn't mean you should wear one! I personally have attended cyclists from beginners to competitors who have suffered severe injuries as a direct result from hitting concrete/windscreens. This leads to point 2...
2. PUT YOUR KIDS HELMETS ON! Child in a carrier with no helmet on? Daft. Fine if you want to end up a gibbering mess but don't sentence your little angel to the same fate!
3. Stand out. So, it's getting dark. Or the traffic is heavy. Or you're on a road with an average speed of a the space shuttle. Now, if that's me I'd quite like to be spotted by the juggernaut that insists on passing close enough to slap my arse, so a bright florescent jacket I don. Doesn't have to be pricey, mine was a tenner from lidl...
4. As with 3, Put some flaming lights on. Enough said.
5. Where possible use cycle ways. Sustrans among others have developed hundreds of mile of safe routes to ride. Even in cities, generally designated routes are safer.
6. OBEY THE LAW. I've given up counting the number of cyclists I see jumping red lights, cycling on pavements, going the wrong way up a one way street. This puts them at tremendous risk and moreover is ILLEGAL!
So pay heed and hopefully you wont need insurance. Ignore it and maybe you just don't deserve the payouts...
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